From the recording Nowever

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09_Raisons D'etre

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Here I try to talk about the ideas of living in the moment more as a way to try find the reasons for being. The lyrics describe a pattern of trying to plan everything which doesn't always work out, so try to let go of that need to direct things and let some things just happen, conveyed by the line "Realign to your intuition and shape whatever comes out now. It's always different, never wrong..."


You’ve dreamt of having everything
And thought you did the work toward that goal.
Now and then you relax and realise
You’re digging closer toward the hole.
Stay a while ‘till your indecision
Finds it’s way to the door of clarity.
You’ll see the light behind.
Stay a while for you
And let go of your state;
Your raisons d’etre now;
Your so called fate.
Realign to your intuition
And shape whatever comes out now.
It’s always different, never wrong.