From the recording Nowever

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01_Welcome Baby

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I initially started writing the lyrics as a celebration song of a new born. A lady who runs a shop I performed at asked me if I could write a song for her new grandson...the second verse onwards starts to talk more about the idea of new horizons, new opportunities. The main repeated phrase is "welcome baby to this life" which could represent new beginnings of various things for people.


Welcome baby to this life.
We’re all gonna keep you out of strife.
Once I saw you, I wanted to tell the world.
I’m so caught up in love with you.
And be good to your Mama, be good to your Papa.
Be good to your sister girl.
Be good to your Mama, Papa and brother.
Be good to your sister girl.
We’re gonna embrace you with our love.
You’ve been sent to us from above.
Rock-aby times, oh baby rock-aby times.
Welcome baby to this life.
Welcome baby to this life.
Mind your back from all of those knives.
Live each moment as if it’s your last.
No regrets, don’t live in the past.